VR Tunnelling Pro
Plug-and-Play VR Comfort

This mode blurs the periphery instead of fading or replacing it. This provides less of a grounding effect, but can be perfect for players who suffer lower-than-average sim-sickness and find the other modes distracting.

TIP: This mode is significantly more performance-intensive than other modes! See Optimisation below.


BLUR mode settings
BLUR mode settings
  • Apply Color: If ticked, blur will be tinted by Effect Color.
  • Downsampling: Use lower resolutions for the blur effect.
    • This increases both blurriness and performance, but lowers overall quality.
  • Distance: How much to blur the image by.
    • This has no impact on performance, but high values can make the blur less smooth.
  • Passes: How many times to repeat the blur.
    • High values increase the blur but can significantly impact performance.
  • Samples: Higher values give a smoother blur quality but can impact performance.


For a big blur that's cheaper on GPU time (but lower quality), maximise Downsampling and Distance, set Samples to FIVE and keep Passes as low as possible.

For most projects, this will be the fastest option. However some CPU-bound projects may get faster results by keeping Downsampling and Passes low, although maximum blur will be more limited.

Remember that the point of tunnelling is to affect what the user is not looking at - as such, lower quality blur is generally not a problem. Low frame rate always is!

BLUR mode
BLUR mode.