VR Tunnelling Pro UE4
Plug-and-Play VR Comfort
FVRTPMPreset Struct Reference


VRTP Mobile Preset Definition (Applied to mobile version only)

#include <VRTPMobile.h>

Public Attributes

TSubclassOf< class AActor > SkyboxBlueprint
 Skybox blueprint to use.
UTextureCube * CubeMapOverride
 Cubemap texture cube to use as an override for skybox-only modes.
UMaterial * PostProcessMaterial
 Effect material to use for post process effect.
UStaticMesh * IrisMesh
 Iris mesh to use.
FLinearColor EffectColor
 Effect vignette color.
float EffectCoverage
 Effect vignette coverage.
float EffectFeather
 Effect vignette feather.
EVRTPMBackgroundMode BackgroundMode
 Effect background mode.
bool ApplyEffectColor
 Enable effect colour.
bool ForceEffect
 Force vignette effect (useful for debugging)
EVRTPMMaskMode MaskMode
 Effect mask mode.
int32 StencilIndex
 Effect mask stencil index.
bool bUseAngularVelocity
 Enable effect for angular velocity.
float AngularStrength
 Angular effect strength.
float AngularMin
 Minimum angular velocity.
float AngularMax
 Maximum angular velocity.
float AngularSmoothing
 Angular smoothing.
bool bUseVelocity
 Enable effect for velocity.
float VelocityStrength
 Velocity effect strength.
float VelocityMin
 Minimum velocity.
float VelocityMax
 Maximum velocity.
float VelocitySmoothing
 Velocity smoothing.
bool bUseAcceleration
 Enable effect for acceleration.
float AccelerationStrength
 Acceleration effect strength.
float AccelerationMin
 Minimum acceleration.
float AccelerationMax
 Maximum acceleration.
float AccelerationSmoothing
 Acceleration smoothing.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: